Monday 29 June 2015

July meeting - TUESday 7th - Malabon!

Thank you to everyone that took part in the survey - it's been really helpful to have your opinions about the day of the week and timing for our future meetings.  The key results are:

1) A mix of Tuesday and Wednesday meetings was top preference for over half of the members that responded, and the second preference for everyone else; a small number prefer Wednesday only and a similar number, Tuesday only. 

2) Almost everyone prefers to go to the pub for aperitifs;  there was a very small lead for 18:30 over 19:30 (our usual timing).

So it's time for the experiment - we'll try a Tuesday meeting.  The table is booked!  Dinner is at Malabon at 19:30 on Tuesday 7th July.  Aperitifs will be at the Red Lion from about 18:30.  As this is a new departure - we've stuck firmly to the 2nd Wednesday for many years - please help by letting me know as soon as possible if you expect to be there, either for aperitifs or straight to the restaurant.   You can do this through the feedback page of the website or in response to the members' e-mail notice. 

Looking forward to seeing as many as possible on Tuesday 7th!

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