Monday 29 July 2013

August - Malabon - Wed 14th

The table is booked! Our August meeting will be at the Malabon, Dragon Street, Petersfield, on Wednesday 14th.  Dinner is at 20:30, and aperitifs will be taken at the Old Drum, corner of Lavant Street and Chapel Street, which impresses us with its fine choice of beers, as well as its convivial atmosphere.

Members, please let us know whether you expect to make it or whether you've found a spot on a Mediterranean beach for August.  You can either reply to the meeting notice that you'll receive by e-mail or use the feedback form on our website.

Looking forward to a sunny August and a great evening on the 14th!

Tuesday 2 July 2013

2013 Cobra Good Curry Guide

I just noticed that our blog's Amazon link was showing a link to the 2013 Cobra Good Curry Guide, and so I clicked through. Probably one of the most subversive reviews of Amazon's business model that I've seen... on Amazon.

 2013 Cobra Good Curry Guide

Unavailable on Amazon!

Buy it now

By Drumond Base
The new Guide is NOT AVAILABLE ON AMAZON and new copies never will be. Without reference to the author they priced it at £12.71. They then take 60% leaving the Guide with under £5 per copy. And they have to pay to deliver it meaning they would make a loss. And Amazon don't even pay tax on UK earnings. Furthermore, the publisher has to wait for up to 90 days for payment by Amazon. Pat Chapman is the sole supplier. Ring 01428 658327 to order and pay by card (or by cheque to The Curry Club and send it to 50, West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AP) and they will dispatch it the same day. If you would like it author-signed, just ask. And if you mention that you have read this rant about Amazon, then it's yours for only £12.71 inc p&p!

Monday 1 July 2013

July - Spice Lounge - Wed 10th

The table is booked!  Our July meeting takes place at Spice Lounge; aperitifs will be taken at the Old Drum from 19:30 or before, and dinner will be at 20:30 as usual.

The meeting notice will be sent out by e-mail as usual, and members can reply to that, or use the feedback form on our web site (select the "I'm coming to the meeting" button).

For anyone that's interested (and this is one of the most tedious subjects around at the moment), our web site is cookie-free apart from a Google Analytics tag.  There's some stuff about this for you to read if you're bothered.  If you use our Amazon shop, they'll probably track you too, to improve their customer service.  And why not?

Looking forward to a great evening on the 10th!