Friday 7 December 2018

December meeting - Wed 12th - details confirmed

The table is booked for our December meeting!  We'll go to Paradise Balti on Wednesday 12th for our last get-together of 2018.  We chose a Wednesday night instead of Tuesday, just to make it a little more possible for Petersfield regulars to attend.

All the feedback from the November e-mail said that we should go to the Charles Street Tap for aperitifs.  So that's the decision. It can be found on the corner of Lavant Street and Charles Street; there's a Google map below.  We'll aim to be there from 7:30pm and then dinner is at 8:30pm.

We already have a total of nine takers for the 12 places that we booked, even before the e-mail notice is sent out, as well as from three who can't make it this time.  So I need hear urgently from everyone else who'd like a place so that we can increase the booking if necessary (and if possible). 

Please let me know either by e-mail in response to this members' meeting notice or using the feedback page on our web site, whether you expect to make it .  

By the way, the web site also has a link to our Amazon affiliate shop where a little commission on your Christmas purchases can contribute to the beer kitty.

Best wishes for Christmas to all of our members and visitors to this blog site!

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