We'll be meeting on 11th December in Petersfield. The chosen venue is Malabon, which we thoroughly enjoyed on our visits there in April and August. As we're at that end of the town, and to help the less mobile, aperitifs will be taken at the Red Lion. If you want to reassure me that you plan to be there, please e-mail or through the feedback page on our website.
Mentioning Christmas, please remember the Curry Club when shopping on Amazon - it costs nothing more to click through our Amazon shop, on our website, before choosing your purchases. We may then - depending on what you choose - receive some funding for a future round of drinks.
And now a free giveaway, mentioned in the November e-mail. Those who've seen me struggling with the bill at Curry Club meetings will know that I've built an iPhone app that will work out the tip and amounts per head depending on the remaining kitty. This has now been published on the iTunes App Store, downloaded about 50 times, and you can find it here:
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